Training and Workshops
Here you will find information about all current and upcoming training and workshops run by Gabbey through Hope and Healing Social Work and Counselling.
As an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker, and someone who has nearly 20 years experience in the human service, health and mental health fields, Gabbey has a wealth of knowledge and experience that she loves to be able to share with other's working in these industries. Gabbey has the capacity to create professional development training specific to your workplace or teams needs on a range of topics relating to working in the human services industry. She can provide this to workplaces in house in the Sunshine Coast, Gympie or Moreton Bay regions and she is also able to provide this online to teams Australia wide. For NDIS participants with support teams, she can work with you to create a training package for your teams to assist with helping support workers to meet individual participants needs and to upskill themselves.